Monday, October 25, 2004


I had a meeting at 7 in the AM today. As you may have guessed from the fact that I am commenting on it, this is highly unusual. I watched four slightly different riffs on the same software demo for five and a half hours straight. Perhaps not surprisingly, I drank way too much coffee. Here's what I remember:

6:45 - Best parking spot of my career.

7:00 - Enter the meeting, wondering why in the name of all that is just there's no coffee.

8:00 - Done sucking down the instant coffee I brought from home. Nervous about the future.

9:00 - Session 1 ends. Coffee has arrived. Take back all the awful things I thought about the meeting organizer. Okay, almost all.

10:00 - I make a bet with myself to see if I can hold still for five minutes. Forget about the bet completely fifteen seconds and three pants adjustments later.

10:03 - Remember the bet. Wonder what I've been doing with my hands. Peer over my shoulder anxiously to see just exactly who now knows I'm a complete lunatic.

10:06 - Can no longer even pretend to hold still. Try breathing deeply to relax. Begin to have difficulty keeping my eyes open. Start holding my breath, unsure if I was holding it before.

10:10 to noon - No idea.

12:10 - Note that the time passes faster when I breathe deeply. Wonder if that means I was asleep.

12:25 - Bolt.

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