Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Roughly 25% and holding

So here we are. Seven days in, and over 12K down. I've been keeping ahead of the curve number- wise, but let me tell you, I have been writing some crap.

To be fair, some of what has made it to the page can be described as 'not altogether horrible'. A couple glints are even 'more or less passable'. A whole damn lot, though, is 'weak, hackish drivel'. Today was the first day that just bit. I mean, Jesus. Like, if I read this scene somewhere, I'd send a letter to the author asking him to cease and desist.

"I haven't gotten to the point yet where I really start padding for wordcount," he said in a hushed, conspiratorial tone, a mouse-brown eyebrow raised to form a thin peak. "But I can barely wait to see what kind of Harlequin bullshit I come up with when I do."


Mike Garvey said...

I would have gotten to day three before I had sentences like this: “the pie was very very very very very very good.”

GabsOSteel said...

Do not take my cat's name in vain!

I can't believe I didn't remember those craptacular books before picking my sweet kitty's moniker.